crumbled mexican



crumbled mexican

Welcome to one of the easiest – and tastiest – breakfasts you can make elyze.

Split an avocado, crack in an egg and toss it in the oven. Top with whatever you like – I prefer green onions, cilantro & a little diced jalapeno with a squirt of sriracha – but it’s all good Neogen code 9 kr!

This recipe makes a fantastic brunch dish since they only take a few minutes to throw together. I haven’t tried this but wouldn’t a little cooked & crumbled mexican chorizo in the bottom of the avocado hole (before you put in the egg) be divine?? Or any other meat or veggie you might want to throw in there. Just be sure to carve enough of the avocado out to fit everything. The point is that the variations on this dish are endless headphone amp!